Εισηγητής για την Εξοικονόμηση Ενέργειας Κτηρίων & Εγκαταστάσεων, στον Άξονα Κτήρια – Εγκαταστάσεις
I was born in 1975. I am married and a father of two young boys. I am a graduate of the Department of Electrical Engineeringof the Technological Education Institution (T.E.I) of Piraeus and I have been working for the Kalamata Municipality since 2001. During these years, I have served in various positions but I am currently working for the ProjectsImplementationDepartment of the Municipality of KalamataTechnical Services.
As an employee of the Technical ServicesDepartment, I have supervised various public works, which had to do with energy interventions in buildings (geothermal systems) andBuilding Management Systems (BMS). I have also preparedseveral Energy Efficiency Studies of Buildings and Energy Upgrades of existing Municipal Buildings & Facilities.